Global Digital Connecting Platform

Connection Made Quick and Secure!

UPIMM acts as a reliable intermediary linking clients with licensed Ones, ensuring peace of mind.

How Can We Help You?

We help you achieve quick, comfortable, and automated Connections.

NOTE: We do not provide legal advice. We connect you – through our Web Portal – with licenced ones in the UK (and the EU)

Our Competitive Advantages:


Our team ensures a fast and precise process of connecting you to the best match one.

Safe and Secure

People's main worries are protecting their money and information. The FCA-registered or law firms on our platform do this for them.​

Fair Price

The processing costs, as well as the hidden costs, may be unusual and perplexing. The ones on our platform will ensure a fair and reasonable price.

Compatriot Ones

Nothing surpasses having an expert who communicates in your language. He/She/they are well-versed in your culture and requirements and will greatly aid you.

Variety of Ones

You can select many partners from different nationalities with different levels of expertise on our platform.

Experienced Ones

The experienced partners on this platform understand the details that boost the odds of people obtaining a need based on their years of experience.

Constant Monitoring

Our staff smartly monitors clients' processes on a regular basis. Only partners with high ratings are allowed to use our platform.


Our main aim is to build a reputable trust and relationship with our clients.​


This platform was founded to assist individuals and connect them to suitable experts. Our main principle is to aid individuals and link them to partners with affordable fees.

Free Consultation

To ensure you feel comfortable, our partners are happy to provide a free, quick consultation about your case.​

Diverse Team

Diversity has always been present in our chosen partners and will remain an essential part of our company culture.​


On a student visa, you can attend school or university. Your partner and children may also be able to migrate with you and have study or work permission.


A work visa allows immigrants to live and work. One advantage of this visa is that living expenses are covered. Additionally, Your partner and children may also be able to migrate with you and have study or work permission.

Global Talent

With the global talent visa, you are not required to work for a specific company and can open your own company. You not need a financial or language proficiency certificate. Additionally, Your partner and children could also be able to migrate with you and have study or work permission.


A visa for partner and children to migrate to the UK.​


A visit visa is typically used by visitors travelling temporarily to visit their families and attend events and exhibits.​

Innovator Founder

With an innovator founder visa, you may launch or grow your business. This new type of visa is appropriate for those with innovative ideas, particularly in the sector of information technology.

New Services Are Coming!

We want to support all aspects of businesses and lives in the destination country, including finding a house, accessing medical and educational services, leisure, entertainment and business growth and profit.

Do you want to start your migration with us?

Don’t be late!